At the Nationwide Meetings of Travelers, Sailors, and Mountaineers KOLOSY Gdynia, where I received two nominations in the category: TRAVEL 2020 and ACHIEVEMENT 2020. Meanwhile, I received an award in the category ACHIEVEMENT 2020 for: for successful adaptation of myself and equipment to extreme temperatures and conditions of Siberian winter.


In January 2020, after traveling 11,300 km, I reached the coldest city in the world, Yakutsk, at a temperature of -55 degrees Celsius. For this achievement, I received an official letter from the City Hall of Yakutsk signed by the Chief of Public

Administration of the City of Yakutsk, Mr. Grigorij Yevgeny. Details are included in the video, the content of which was read by Father Łukasz, who resides in Irkutsk and passed me the document.